Hobbies in theory sound amazing, BUT do you actually have them? Besides wine and chocolate because those aren’t actually hobbies, they’re foods but I’m willing to bet that your mind went there [...]
This past weekend Little E turned TWO! I can’t believe it, it’s just going way to fast, I heard another mom comment that its long days and short years, and reflecting on everything that has [...]
It didn’t happen right away, like it does in the movies. You know the moment when you first lay eyes on your brand new baby and you instantly melt into tears of joy and love. I felt empty, in [...]
My Fertility Story I have always wanted a child, but truthfully, deep down I always thought I would have issues conceiving and carrying a baby to full term. I remember being in my late teens and [...]
This past weekend, we celebrated Baby E’s first birthday. It was so much fun, I was so excited for him, but I have to admit the closer the day got I became a little more emotional and a bit sad. [...]