Okay so I want to get a little real for a minute and discuss what letting go actually means. Because in theory it sounds simple enough, but it’s not actually that easy to do. How do you not care, [...]
We have just a few more weeks until we officially kick of Summer, and that means we have only have a little more time to integrate our inner Wood Energies before they transition into Fire. This [...]
So every week for some time, I have been putting together a mantra for you. If you’re missing them you can follow me here on Instagram and you can get caught up. Typically they are centred around [...]
As many of you have recognized that the essence of this blog has changed. It may feel like the rug has been taken out from under you because of this shift, and your questioning if you even [...]
Mother’s Day is happening this Sunday. It’s the one holiday that I witness as the hardest day for women who are struggling with getting pregnant. All of the other holidays and celebrations have [...]
I find I’m asking my clients this question more and more these days and usually, it’s followed with a long pause. Probably, your number one or top priority was to get pregnant. I ask again, if [...]